• Educate • Elevate • Evangelize •
R.E.C. Ministries, a 501c3 nonprofit, was founded in 2009. Since then, the organization has provided over 100 community education classes and workshops, organized rural medical clinics, and distributed tons of food and household items to those in need throughout the regions of East Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, and Southeast Kentucky, as well as the surrounding areas. R.E.C. Ministries is volunteer-based and depends on your support.
Response to Appalachian Flood
R.E.C. will be delivering supplies to the victims of the recent flooding in Appalachia. Please continue to pray for both the victims and our volunteers as we assist those in need. If you would like to donate supplies, please follow the link to our Amazon list or make a monetary donation by clicking the "Give" tab. Thank you, and God Bless.
Hurricane Helene Update
Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and donations of essential items. R.E.C. has made five impactful trips to the disaster areas in East Tennessee and North Carolina. The need is urgent, and we are fully committed to the recovery efforts ahead. Let’s continue to pray for those affected by this tragedy and for the dedicated volunteers. Please consider donating to help us provide vital aid.
Mathew 25:40
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